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BioLaMer’s Progress: Poster Presentation at SETAC Europe 2024

BioLaMer project was showcased as a poster presentation at the SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, held from May 5-9, 2024, in Seville, Spain. The poster titled “The Life Cycle Inventory of an Innovative Biorefinery for Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production”, was presented by Dr Martina Pelliconi. The presentation focused on the BioLaMer solution, highlighting the evaluation of production costs and environmental impacts.

The central theme of the poster emphasized the significance of conducting a Life cycle Inventory (LCI), incorporating both Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC), within the project. This Life Cycle Inventory was conducted at the project’s early stages to ensure the environmental and economic sustainability of the innovative biorefinery technology. The innovative PHA production process through valorisation of Black Soldier fly larvae was discussed comprehensively, followed by an in-depth exploration of the benefits of implementing a LCI from the project’s inception.

Establishing a precise and early-stage Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) enables the following;

  • Can achieve complete qualitative LCI comprising data on single-operation unit processes.
  • Avoid multifunctionality problems as much as possible.
  • Facilitates iterative modifications based on insights gained from LCA and LCC models.
  • Provides strong foundation for making reliable and robust conclusion.
  • Serves as a crucial base for upscaling procedures.

Presenting the abstract of the poster presentation,

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