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Factsheet – Single-use plastics

Single use plastics (SUP) are the type of plastics designed for one time use and disposal. These create significant environmental problems that need to be addressed immediately because of their non-biodegradable nature and tendency to stay in the environment for thousands of years. Over time, this will accumulate and degrade into micro/nanoplastics which can easily enter into the human food chain.

SUPs are also a significant contributor to the greenhouse gas emission in its whole life cycle, right from the extraction to disposal. They are suffocating our planet and are seen everywhere, from peaks of mountains to waves, and have become an integral part of our lives.

Did you know? Out of the seven billion tonnes of plastic waste produced worldwide to date, only a fraction, less than 10 percent, has been recycled so far. In EU alone, 70% of the total marine litter is comprised of these single use plastics.

Hence, European Union has introduced Directives on Single- use plastics, committing to reduce the marine litter and increase the use of alternative sustainable products. Check-out our factsheet prepared on single-use plastics according to the data taken from https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/plastics/single-use-plastics_en

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