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BioLaMer at XVIII Conference of Italian LCA Network Association: Unveiling the LCA strategies for sustainable biorefineries

BioLaMer project has participated in the XVIII Convegno della Associazione Rete Italian LCA organized by Universita degli Studi “G.d’Annunzio” di Chieti – Pescara, Italy, which was held from 3-5 July, 2024 and has shared its experience on the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) in the BioLaMer processes and products.

Conference Overview:

The theme of the conference was on how Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) can influence production models and sustainable consumption. This event underscored the critical role of LCT in assessing and managing the environmental, social, and economic impacts throughout the lifecycle of the products and services. Key methodologies such as LCA, Social LCA (SLCA), and LCC were highlighted as essential for supporting decision-making processes.

BioLaMer project partner Prof. Serena Righi from University of Bologna has presented a poster titled “Life Cycle Assessment of an innovative polyhydroxyalkanoates biorefinery: addressing background data gaps for sustainable development”, which explained the execution of LCA in the BioLaMer biorefinery process.

In this presentation, the following points were highlighted;

  • Series of new datasets built for three chemicals involved in the PHA production process and its LCA procedures applied within the project.
  • Advanced chemical data-searching tools such as Reaxys were utilized to gather and analyze the chemical reactions, structure and the substance properties and additionally, collection of corresponding patents using Patentscope database.
  • Results of the production process modelled through LCA for Experts software of three datasets were figured.

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