BioLaMer highlighted a milestone attained in its first phase by its partner TransfoLAB BCN through a combination of poster and public address at the 7th Congress Recuwaste- Resources and Life with the topic THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY OF RESOURCES: ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE, in Tecnocampus Mataro, Barcelona, Spain which was held on 14th-15th November 2023.
Below is a copy of the poster.
RECUWASTE, the foremost congress in resources and waste management, organized its 7th edition, which focused on the resource economy. This event connects all the actors involved with the vision to think, work and act, and also helps understand the changes and impact associated.
BioLaMer Partner Ms Nada Tozija, Co-founder of TransfoLAB BCN, Centre for Trash Investigation, Barcelona, Spain, has exhibited the poster and presented the Circular solution with the first prototype scheme of Black Soldier fly larvae bioreactor.

We are delighted to announce that the BioLaMer Project was one of the projects selected for the Alfonso Mailo Prize, which was aimed at acknowledging circular economy solutions / projects for Municipal Waste Management. Here is the snapshot of our project proposal shortlisted, which was taken from the Recuwaste official website